Before today was Halloween, it was All Souls Day and before was Samhain (pronounced SOW-en). It was believed that the veil between the living and dead was thinnest on this night. So special care was taken to honor those who had passed. It's a special time for pausing and reflecting - winding down and turning inward. For a woman my age, it's a fitting season, as I am in my "autumn" as it were. I find myself turning inward more often than ever, reflecting on the meaning of my life. It's a very peaceful experience.
Of course, Sunday is also the Day of the Dead, or Dia de los Muertos. I love the traditions that are celebrated in Mexico. So every year, I make my own ofrenda or altar to honor our loved ones who are gone. Here is a picture of the early stage of the ofrenda for my parents and my husband's mother. I have the special foods to add, the candles and the marigolds. I'll post the finished one for you on Sunday.