A Little More Sharing
The wonderful LK has done it again...or will do it again...or we will ALL do it again. Whatever. You can do it, too....
I think this is a terrific idea; the problem is, which song to choose? Check with me on Wednesday!
Words make you think a thought. Music makes you feel a feeling. A song makes you feel a thought. E.Y. Harburg
A Day of Sharing Song
The idea: Songs can move us to places we haven't been in a long time, places we long for every day, or places we some day hope to be. The combination of music and poetry can transport us across distances, and through the years. While we listen, perhaps we grin wildly, or are moved to tears. We all have songs that are "ours" in our very hearts. We have songs that touch us, move into our hearts and resonate, creating a feeling, taking us some place- past, present, future- perhaps some place we have never been and may never go, but for whatever reasons, the song sings for us.
Meeting new music, musicians, composers, poets, new ways for my soul to sing, is an intriguing concept. Want to go on this adventure with me? It will be easy to travel along.
Many of us already do this sharing; this idea is just to help us find each other and hear the words we have to share.
The Date: Wednesday, December 3.
The Plan: on your blog, post a song that moves inside you, touches you, reaches you. You can do any or all of the following:
Include the composer and/or
musician and source (book, album). Perhaps also include the amazon or
itunes link if there is one. no explanation required, no other
revelation necessary.
One last thing- Perhaps add an image. a photo. a video. a painting. a collage., if you would.
Come here to this post.
Add a comment with your link.
I'll create a typepad page with the links, so others can hear the song, see the image and share in the experience.
The Request:
If you are intrigued enough, post on your blog about this Day of Sharing Song. Link to this post.
Send an email to encourage your friends to post.
Pass along this info to any groups in which you participate.
Who couldn't use a few new songs in their hearts?
Oh,I'm sorry I missed this. I have an ever increasing number of songs in my heart, of my heart. So many make my heart soar or contract with what might have been, Elvis "The Wonder of Love", Dr. Who " A Little Bit More", Chris Connor "I Miss you So"; Dino "Bubbly" and thanks so Gina's blog "The Littlest Birds Sing the Prettiest Song" Any song of Nina, Ella, Pearl could make the list. What fun! Hope it was a great holiday for you. I'm impressed with Steve's lyrics - obviously a man who feels things - a mixed blessing. xoxox Ginny
P.S. I haven't heard from Chris in ages - is she okay? Do I have her correct email??
Posted by: ginnyballou | December 05, 2008 at 01:56 PM