It's official. I am hooked on the PCC flea market. I go every month and have a routine.Get there early. Park and Pay. Admire the view. Walk over and stop for a piece of german chocolate cake that I will regret later (I know that sounds like a weird breakfast, but you'd have to be there). Do the northside outdoor first. Do the southside outdoor next. Go into the parking structure booths to escape the sun. Have great conversations with favorite vendors. Go home. Gloat over my treasures.
The cake is from a wonderful family of three generations who cook up a storm. While they have more "breakfasty" things, the german chocolate cake is their absolute BEST, so once a month, I have cake for breakfast. So there.
You can get anything at the flea market - succulents in snail shells,
Vintage glass in amazing colors,
Repurposed vintage clothing (the green velvet jacket was supposedly from the Wizard of Oz and then newly embellished)-
But, I bought none of those. Here's what I got -
Caution. Items appear larger than they are in the mirror. This "chest" of drawers is about 8 inches high.
And the big find of the day
I have no idea what I'm going to do with these, but I couldn't resist them. The boxy silver things are capacitors and I am assured that there is nothing toxic or explosive inside. I'm thinking a bracelet...
While you're thinking about that, I'm going to go to bed and tomorrow I will post details of the other goodies. Sunday is the Rose Bowl Flea Market and there's a Somerset gathering....hmmm....