I've been so discouraged lately; feeling that I don't know where I'm going or what I'm doing. Today, I realized that some of the problem is that I cannot seem to choose anything. My approach to life has always been to just gobble it up. I look around me and see so many wonderful, fascinating, intriguing things to learn and do and be. And, I try to learn and do and be all of them. At once. All the time. Crazy, yes?
I'm sitting now, bewildered, in my studio. It's overflowing with projects and "stuff". Don't get me wrong. It's organized as all get-out. A place for everything and everything in it's place. But, where is that place? If everything is put away, I can't see it and be inspired by it. But, if it's all out, I can't move.
Then, there is the list of things I could/should be doing.
- Gift for my going-to-college niece (that's a priority!).
- Work on the journal for Art House Co-op.
- Master the drum binding.
- Make some scroll books from three neat vintage do-hickies I found at the flea market.
- Make the black and white journal I saw in my dream (honest, I dreamed it - full blown/complete/in detail!).
- Finish my travel journals from Nags Head and Mammoth.
- Oh, but print the photos first, so they can go into the journals.
- Find a thermograph machine.
And this is just the book stuff. I've got about 10 jewelry pieces in various stages, have three more books just kind of sitting there; want to paint, want to learn to take better photographs, want to get really good at PhotoShop, want to rearrange the studio so I remember where I put things.
You see my issue now, don't you?
Register for ArtFest. Finish the journal from Orly's class. Fix a broken necklace. Practice that cool technique Darcy showed us.
We're not even talking about the list at my day job.
And then there's the lose weight, get exercise, make time for meditation, catch up in the garden, paint the bedroom walls, fix the door, finish building the shower. Replace the earthquake supplies.
I'll bet you have lists like this too.
How do you handle it without getting frustrated. I know I should just pick one thing and do it. Or do something every day for three or four priorities.
But, I'm stymied (what a weird word - wasn't he a character in the Little Rascals?). Oh, yeah - there he is.....
Really, I think I am just procrastinating in the studio because if I don't, I'll actually have to do something. Actually create something; take a chance; be bold, be brave. Scary.
Enough about me; what stops you? Or even better - how do you START?