Oh, OK, I'm exaggerating - the Long Beach Flea Market is not a Paris Brocante. But, it certainly is a joy. It's my new favorite. Pasadena City College is so close, I'll still keep going there on the first Sunday of the month. But Long Beach is so HUGE and everything is great. I don't do vintage clothing but if you do, definitely get to LB for rows of great clothes, purses and shoes.
Yeah, that's another "Mother" plaque there. I needed it, OK? I love the cutesy little wooden trays and you can never have enough tins, right? Canvas bank bags - and a fun tool apron - and you do know I love Pepsi...LOL. That large sphere is a holder for a ball of string. Or something else, you never know.
I've been collecting these little pencils to use as the focal point of some necklaces for an upcoming show.
I love the colors on this sweet box. Along with its little buddies here. I'll use the little silver salt shaker in a necklace as well. Where that clunky, rusty, ballbearing wheel will go is anyone's guess.
This will have to hold me for a few weeks, as I never do the Rose Bowl. But soon....PCC here I come!