Not to get all woo-woo on you, but really, getting "there" can be as important as wherever there is. In this case, "there" is Santa Barbara, where my friend Maggie's friend Jane was having a photography exhibit. They haven't seen each other in a while, so we thought we would surprise her. Maggie has been dealing with some major health issues and a road trip seemed to be just the thing.
The weather as we drove was what I guess they call a "lowering" sky - gray, ever moving, dropping some rain - very cozy actually. The hills were a surprising green (we haven't had much rain this year) and there was that wonderful yellowy haze of new leaves on the bare trees. Up hill and down brought us breathtaking vistas around every curve until finally we were running beside the ocean.
You can talk about a lot of things in an hour and a half. You can get hungry too, so we pulled off at Summerland, a little roadside community. And ran smack into "Sacred Space", a magical garden of peace. Be sure to stop if you ever have the chance. You will never want to leave.
We finally did get to Santa Barbara and Jane's fabulous exhibit. I enjoyed their reunion almost as much as they did.
Luckily, I am a better driver than I am a photographer. We did arrive back safely and the smile on Maggie's face was worth the entire journey. Or maybe, that smile WAS the destination?