Can you say hot? Really hot. Crowded. Glaring sunlight. All of this may explain why I acquired so little this month in Long Beach. Steve and I were resolved to get there early, but a late night Saturday drained some of that away. Still, it was just after 8 am, but we didn't last past 10:30. Nonetheless, I am happy with my littles.
That green thingy is a retractable clothesline.
I have two more of these in the studio. I like them because of the color and the patina. Looks as though I got a pretty good price, judging from eBay.
I can't explain why I bought this can of wire that I will never use. But the label is distinctive and it was 5 bucks, so why not?
This is my favorite find. I've started collecting these old agricultural notebooks. They were given away by seed companies, equipment manufacturers, etc. I love the feel of them and the cool graphics. Sometimes, there is even something interesting written inside, but not this time.
I could not pass up the memo notebook because of the address cards! Nothing written on them, so I can actually use it. There were some business cards with a word for the "exchange' instead of a number in, so I know it is somewhat old.
So, not a lot of stuff, but some good stuff - and sometimes, that is enough.